Download all segments needed from the MW crew, radio4all, Between the Lines, etc. All content should be converted to 44,100 hertz stereo before it is imported into the final audacity project for each half of the show. Also, files that are not WAV, MP3, or OGG may not be importable into audacity at all - most of these problem files will be WMA. Covert such files with CDEX to a temporary WAV file (F12, browse to source file [click on the 3 dots in the upper right of the window], select it, normalize checked if possible and delete original unchecked, click convert. When converted, rename the output file as appropriate and move it into this show's folder).
Play all content with winamp to ensure that it's in stereo and at 44.1 khz. Some audio that winamp won't play may still successfully import into audacity. Fix frequency first if needed by starting a new audacity project (file: new), import the audio file (project, import audio file...), set the project rate in the bottom left to 44100, and export as WAV to a descriptive new filename. If necessary, convert that file to stereo with CDEX, by converting the WAV to a stereo 128 kbps normalized MP3 file (F4, encoder: LAME..., "don't delete" unchecked, stereo, on the fly checked, 128 kbps, j-stereo, 44100 samplerate. Generic: clear tag-comment and encoded-by fields, normalized checked, click OK. Convert, convert WAV to compressed audio file, browse to source file, select it, normalize checked, delete original checked, click convert. When compressed, close CDEX, rename the output file as appropriate [it should be in the OUT folder on the desktop] and move it into this show's folder).
Converting to stereo can be done more quickly in Audacity. To make an entire project that is mono stereo, select all, copy, select project - new audio track, and paste into that new track. Click the triangle on the first track (see the left side of screen) and select "make stereo track." Export to WAV or MP3 as appropriate.
All content from audio CD's can also be extracted to stereo 128 kbps normalized MP3 files using CDEX as well (insert CD, select the track you want, F8...).
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